Inkberry Review
Writer-centric review that authenticates human thought in the age of AI.
How it Works
Quarterly review publication for fiction and nonfiction writing.
Writers will be interviewed by editor(s) on themes, craft, and the writing process. The interview will be published to provide insights on the author’s craft.
Writers will receive non-fungible tokenization (NFT) of their writing verifying its origin and authorship.
If you would like to publish your writing please click on Contact Us to fill out the contact form. We look forward to hearing from you!
The inkberry is an evergreen shrub native to the eastern coasts of the U.S. Wildlife favor its fruit and honeybees its nectar. Like invasive species, artificial intelligence (AI) generated writing has begun crowding the literary landscape. Our platform offers the opportunity to authenticate human writing to sustain original human voices, experiences, and stories.
Inkberry Review, the online publication of Inklude Workshop, a 501(c)3 registered non-profit in Massachusetts, was founded by Mia Tong and Peter Sun to preserve the craft of writing by humans and encourage the exploration of art in the literary medium.
Our mission is to elevate your writing and preserve its originality.